l i n k e d i n r e c o m m e n d a t i o n
It was a wild idea, for a small start-up in Leiria north of Portugal, to hire a mature product designer to come help establish the company. And probably it wouldn't have worked, if that person wasn't John Arbak.
Excellent professional, wide range of skills (everyone from that time still remembers his marvelous ethnographic notebooks), able to go from concept to the full blown product, able to think about systems as well as details.
Above all, he became a friend, someone who has an immaculate integrity, a person who has made difficult choices in life because he believes in them.
If you ever come across John and if you need someone that can make things happen with results and responsibility, do yourself a favor and give him the chance to share with you what he shared with me. It will stay forever.
—José Manuel dos Santos