UX Design Lead
i n f o r m a t i o n
a r c h i t e c t u r e
For an established, crowdfunding provider, adding User Experience as an internal, development discipline was the next step towards increased impact and profitability.
After facilitating business analysis and strategy sessions with design leadership to leverage the best, change management practices for integrating the new competency, benchmark, user journey audits were performed.
Current state, information architecture site map diagrams were generated to identify gaps, friction and pain points, and future state opportunities in the user interface, such as navigation refinements and increased interaction consistency.
s e r v i c e b l u e p r i n t s
Analyzing their business models and customer support procedures, current state service blueprints were also prepared to identify possibilities for improvement.
Observations revealed the need to :
Humanize user communications.
Bring content clarity and consistency.
Reduce email quantities sent to users.
Automate manual processes.
Simplify payment processor exchanges.
p e r s o n a p r o f i l e s
Personas were a significant aspect of the UX capacity building program. There were no profiles for the donor user group, and the profiles for campaigners consisted of a single slide with a photo and 3 bullet point remarks.
Extensive research collection, analysis, and collation were conducted, gathering primary and secondary, demographic, psychographic, and contextual, lifestyle data from various internal teams and external sources. Profile categories were then defined according to business objectives and project priorities.
The resultant profiles included research citations to build trust, and offered profound value across the organization to better comprehend and serve customers, and to attain greater human outcomes.
Each profile contained :
Character photo
Introductory overview
Background narrative
Lifestyle mood board
Desired experiences | Emotional references
Motivations | Pain & Gain points
Platform use scenarios
Design inferences to inspire ideation
r e s e a r c h
a d v a n c e m e n t s
Although the company had vast amounts of disparate, user data, it was not being fully leveraged to inform the products or personas. So, a foundational, consolidation effort was undertaken to find, analyze, filter, organize, and decompose the relevant insights, while performing new studies for updates too.
Along the way, qualitative measures were quantified to enable UX metrics for user satisfaction that supported business objectives. And research processing times were decreased dramatically by moving from a visual, affinity mapping method to a relational database, tagging and sorting approach.
What had required about 70 hours of information handling was reduced to around 2 hours—a 3500% efficiency gain.