e n r o l l m e n t r e f r e s h
Remember fax machines?
At Qasid in 2011, they were the workhorse of enrollment communications with applicants and partner coordinators worldwide—while also an administrative bottleneck and a customer pain point in the admission process.
In addition, then, to conventional business analysis requirements gathering, I also set off in the role of a student myself, forging through the entire registration cycle step by step, discovering first hand the various challenges that applicants and the admin staff all faced throughout the user journey.
I documented some 650 points of potential improvement, ranging from typos in the outreach brochure, to time consuming procedures and data tracking difficulties. The recommendation was then to overhaul the whole system using online platforms for automation and information coordination.
r e v o l u t i o n a r y r e s u l t s
In conjunction with a website upgrade, I led Qasid’s technical team to transform the enrollment experience from paper and pen (and fax machine) into an internet portal interface—from slow and awkwardly accessible to swift and aptly available.
Students and staff were better enabled to exchange and engage with their information and with each other at nearly any time, from anywhere that they could be online.
Satisfaction increased for everyone, as applications were processed more rapidly and accurately, allowing a favorable rapport to more readily form between staff, partners, students, and parents. These positive interactions subdued student and family uncertainties about traveling to a foreign land so far from home, and set the stage for further, long lasting brand connections.
The system was scalable as well, which was essential to maintain administrative efficiency as the institute’s annual attendance steadily grew.