Qasid Webpage Our Online Program Cropped Gray Border JPG.jpg

q a s i d o n l i n e


Leveraging the preceding, Traditions, distance learning R & D effort, Qasid was then readily positioned to deliver an entire, online program curriculum offering of its own . . . an optimistic objective for some years, but without the prior

leadership to make it happen. Now filling that vital role, I was naturally eager to initiate the program, prioritizing it among the institute’s most promising prospects.

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t h e a p p r o a c h

Following a competitive research and value proposition analysis, drafting an effective implementation strategy was our next step. We would define an overall curriculum and then introduce individual courses and a private tutoring option in the order of their popularity, combining new classes along with repurposing existing audio | video lesson assets. While overseeing this framing component with Qasid’s university level, curriculum developer in the U.S. I also supported our internal, content production and instructional design staff with graphic and communication design contributions to hone our proprietary, multimedia, course presentation standards.

The institute’s core competency of providing live, native Arabic instruction is rooted in their conviction that natural and personal, interactive evaluation and feedback are requisite for the most effective, foreign language acquisition.

s u s t a i n i n g v a l u e

In addition to its early success, the pioneering and profitable, Qasid Online program has since proved rather prescient too, as it became the institute’s exclusive revenue source as the COVID 19 pandemic disrupted classes on campus in the spring of 2020.

Coordinating class timings, then, in order to consistently and conveniently connect local faculty in Jordan with students spread across variant time zones posed a considerable challenge for the Academic Director. And with the immediate success of the program’s beta introduction—destined for revenues over $100 000 a year—it was clear that this complex, logistical customer relations element, along with the predicted marketing scope, would require the program to have a dedicated director of its own.

Promoting this human resource investment to Qasid’s leadership, I recommended the hiring of an internet marketing specialist, whom we found among the institute’s graduates. He was then instrumental in driving the ongoing expansion and refinement of the program to surpass its original curriculum vision.