Qasid Webpage Traditions Series Cropped Gray Border JPG.jpg

d i s t a n c e l e a r n i n g r & d v e n t u r e


Qasid recognized in 2007 that the internet clearly represented a disruptive technology in the realm of language instruction. And by mid 2008, they had a multi phase development proposal in place to capitalize on a proprietary, online distance learning offering.

But three years later, although they had established a course format, enlisted a film producer, and generated abundant, video lesson content, the material only served as a free, promotional instrument. Monetizing the effort’s full potential remained elusive without tactical leadership.

Lacking such a resource internally at the time, Qasid found a US owned, partner company headquartered in Shanghai, China with a proven record of success teaching a number of other languages online. And initial

However, the promising, interactive, podcast platform relied on a dialog based, course delivery approach that required Qasid to revamp their curriculum methodology and to continually produce new lessons on a weekly basis. Building this capacity then only escalated the need for an experienced, development leader to fulfill the intended, project vision.


p r o j e c t g u i d a n c e


As I came on board with Qasid in late 2011, reviving this pilot program was then among my priority tasks. Ramping up the business analysis discovery phase, I met remotely with the various stakeholders in Asia, America, and the Middle East to elicit and understand the various requirements, parameters, gaps, capabilities, and available resources in order to frame a project path forward.

In addition to then guiding the project, I also worked in a graphic design role to create marketing banner ad compositions.

Meanwhile, I coordinated and encouraged our multi media delivery team of instructors, script writers, video production personnel and editors, and technology experts as they skillfully prepared and recorded the regular lessons and liaised with the partner staff abroad to upload and monitor the content on the platform website.

The rhythm of the work was edifying for everyone, allowing us to assess our internal capabilities and consider new paradigms.

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p r o p i t i o u s o u t c o m e s


Publicly available as a self paced learning tool through a monthly subscription sales model, the investment was soon earning a modest financial return while continuing to inform Qasid about best practices for online education offerings.

Ultimately, the experiment would demonstrate the limited efficacy of the partner’s platform for teaching Arabic. Although, this was then invaluable reconnaissance as Qasid then improved upon the methodology for their larger scale and more lucrative, Qasid Online curriculum thereafter.